Vaping vs. Smoking

Most people are deciding to choose to vape over smoke cigarettes; Because they believe it’s a much safer option and a safer substitute for smoking but is it really? Vaping relieves the urge of wanting to smoke while or after you quit but most liquids do contain nicotine*, so you’re really just puffing on somethingContinue reading “Vaping vs. Smoking”

What is Vaping

What is it all about? You’ve likely heard of vaping by now. This unique, modern method assist countless individuals to quit smoking is certainly growing in popularity, but it’s not uncommon for people to be somewhat confused as to what vaping actually is, not to mention its purpose or benefits. If you’d like to learnContinue reading “What is Vaping”

Vaping is More Eco-Friendly Than Smoking Cigarettes

There is a long running joke about people vaping and while the arguments over which is better may just come down to a matter of preference, there is one convincing argument to make a change from buying a packet of cigarettes to purchasing a vape; the environment. Now don’t roll your eyes, you cannot denyContinue reading “Vaping is More Eco-Friendly Than Smoking Cigarettes”

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